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What's Happening in China?

SPOILLER: nothing more than expected.

Yesterday, 07/27/2021; several Chinese stocks suffered a huge fall after the announcement of the CCP, not the Brazilian mafia, but the mafia that governs China known as the Chinese Communist Party; advertise that profiting by providing the education service cannot.

In short, from now on, the government has defined that only NGOs and the government itself should provide education for Chinese children and teenagers; taking private initiative out of the picture.

Well, furthermore, in recent months the condemnation of profit in China has been intensifying.

Something that became extremely famous was the disappearance of billionaire Jack Ma, who mysteriously disappeared after criticizing the Chinese Communist Party.

Fortunately, after two months, he reappeared looking physically fine… Maybe he had some luck in this game… Unlike several billionaires who disappeared, turned up dead.

In addition, technology and financial companies are also being harassed by the government, which considers them too “powerful”.

The most recent case that became famous was the transport company (like Uber) Didi, which, after having received several international investments, was practically prohibited from being used by new users.

Quite frankly, since I started investing, I've been looking to go miles away from Chinese companies.

This should be obvious to any investor, after all, these companies are operating in a country where a communist dictatorship rules.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that measures such as those currently being taken undermine free enterprise.

In fact, for good years, economically speaking, China was considered a “free” country... As a result, China is currently “considered” the second world economic power.

Still, when it comes to individual freedoms, China is just like any other communist dictatorship. Free speech? Joke. Freedom for you, marry whoever you want? Joke. Freedom for you, criticize the government? Criticize, but you will die.

In my opinion, the title of "second world economic power" is inconsistent, as I sincerely discredit many of the numbers that the Chinese Communist Party releases.

See, there is no opposition there to contest what the government says, if the government says that GDP grew 10% in 2020, then it grew 10%... Any Chinese who disagree will be 'invited' to go to a concentration camp, ops, re-education.

Another factor that makes me have this distrustful position regarding these numbers, are typical problems of any socialist economy, i.e, planned… For example, in China, huge cities are empty since they were built randomly by the wish of politicians; serious quality problems with the infrastructure of buildings and other buildings; credit bubble; demographic crisis and a host of other factors.

I'm not saying that the Chinese economy is a complete failure… As I said earlier, just like in any other country, market liberalization is something that brings extremely positive results for people.

However, dear readers, for me, half freedoms do not exist. Either you have freedom or you don't. Just economic freedom is not enough. Social freedom alone is not enough.

The fact is, if a lion says he won't eat you, I honestly highly doubt you'll believe him.

Same should be true for the CCP dictatorship… China is a communist country and a dictatorship, so it should come as no surprise to anyone that actions like those being taken in recent days take place.

The desire to rule the lives of all people, say what's best for them or not, kill people who don't agree with you, say what can or cannot be said, say who you can or cannot marry... It's just common in dictatorships and communist regimes.

Although, as I always say, eventually this will be over. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow… But one day will fall.

The signs are getting stronger and more frequent. It is not a question of if CCP will fall, but when it will fall.

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Written by: Lucas Garcia

Reviewed by: Emilly Oliveira

Follow me on Instagram: @jornadalucasgarcia

Follow me on Twitter: @jornadalucasgar



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