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Video Games are What Really Prepare You to Real Life

You, like me, have heard at some point in your life, the joke that high school prepares us for real life… We got the joke when, in the first few months after we leave, a different reality show up.

Jobs, relationships, challenges, money, live alone... And a bunch of things start to come without you notice.

Recently I saw this twitted:

Opinião impopular: Video games preparam você para a vida real.

Honestly? I agree with him.

In fact, video games can prepare us to reality with efficiency.

How? Well, just take a look in all the things that, while playing, we are doing/training.


1: Teamwork

Contrary to the questionable idea that many schools have to compel you to work with someone you hate and have goals completely opposite to yours… In games, each one of us chooses his own team. Whether calling real life friends or even meeting other players who have goals, thoughts and motivations similar to ours.

This makes things more fun, after all, it's a game, and it must be played (it's life, and it must be lived).

We all know that to defeat a "big boss" or even win a match; unity, organization and communication in the team; are extremely crucial to achieving your goal.

Everyone in the group needs to fulfill their roles, otherwise the team will fail.

In other words, just like in real life, you work as a team seeking to achieve a common goal; whether it's carrying out a project, completing a campaign, creating a brainstorming, or anything else.

This is something that, for me, games manage to develop extremely well, after all, the circumstances and goals are similar; limited only by fantasy.

2: Resilience

Resilience is nothing more than our ability to catch, catch some more, and get back into the game.

Quite frankly, the very definition of resilience I gave you already involves games.

Maybe you're even very lucky in games... But even so, you must have gone through some bad luck wave and lost it several times.

There are people who get so pissed off at the game that they even uninstall it, break things, and a host of other ways to vent their anger.

Well, for those who, despite dying to hell; lose rare items; plummeting in the rankings and a series of other misfortunes happen... Even so, they remain until the end of the game... Perhaps, they understood an important part of life: that everything is literally just a game and these bifurcations along the way, are part of its trajectory.

You just lose when you give up and leave the game... Not when you lose a battle.

3: Life is unfair

We've all come across players with money, or even an almost divine luck.

These players are famous because they get everything "easily".

However, just like in real life, this has never harmed you. Everything you need to do to pursue your goal, whether it's getting to the top of the rankings or something like that... It's leveling like a bastard.

Well, as far as I know, the same is true of our lives... Having some characteristics or things that give you an edge in a certain area doesn't mean that you will actually succeed in it. However, working is the first step to change this situation, after all, as some thinker said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration".

For some reason, just like in life, people who reach a high ranking within the game, in the end, are also called lucky by other players, although what they did most was level up (perspiration) like some bastards.

4: Communication and Negotiation

Just as we are trading on a daily basis in our lives, in games the trading part is extremely important.

If you, during your game, want something you don't have, the possible viable option is to find another player who has it and wants to trade it for something else.

That is, you need to bargain (negotiate).

As real life, the two of you needed to come to an agreement that benefits both of you... The famous "win-win" and, thus, get the items you need to continue your journeys.

If you don't know how to negotiate well, or if you don't try to get informed about the values ​​and possibilities of what you're looking for... You'll probably lose out, as you could have bargained more and got a better deal.

I think you yourself can easily relate this to your every day or professional life.


This article is getting a little long, so I think it's better to finish here...

Games are a way that many people consider just "procrastination"... But as I talked about in my article "Productivity Is Something Relative" and I showed some things worked on us as we play... I believe games are a much more effective way and interesting to prepare people for life, than the school itself.

Myself could learn many important things that I use in my daily life other than things like: "respiratory organs of a sea cucumber"; "complex mathematical formulas"; "classifying categories in the Portuguese language"; (complete here with any school subject)...

But, all this is a subject for another article.

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Written by: Lucas Garcia

Follow me on Instagram: @jornadalucasgarcia

Follow me on Twitter: @jornadalucasgar


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