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"#SOScuba" What is Happening in Cuba?

In the long run even the most despotic governments with all their brutality and cruelty are no match for ideas. Eventually the ideology that has won the support of the majority will prevail and cut the ground from under the tyrant's feet. Then the oppressed many will rise in rebellion and overthrow their masters.

~ Ludwig von Mises

In 07/11/2021, many slavers of Cuban Communist Party went to the streets to protest against the dictatorship that has being implementing for over 60 years, asking for liberty.

Well, if you live in Brazil, or any other country that still respect some individuals freedoms... You are already used to protests taking place throughout the year... But, in countries that are leading by communist dictators like Cuba and China, usually they tend to deal with protest in extremely violent way.

Including, the communist dictator who's leading Cuba, have already called his militia, that is, communist party revolutionaries, to go to streets and "put an end" to the protests that are aiming for liberty.

As you saw in the video, the communist dictator, looked like to be a little desperate with all that was happening, after all, the people got tired of everything that was going in the country.

Why is this happening now in Cuba?

An extremely common feature we see in communist dictatorships as Chinese, North Korean and Cuban; is the government making difficult and censoring information to get in the country.

They aim to make the citizens disconnect from the internet, so they can not see what going on in the world and don't find other people who think as they about the government.

Take a look at the big Chinese Firewall, where even talk about censoring is censoring... Or in North Korea, where even the high-ranking members of the government have no access to the internet... Or even Cuba, who makes hard access to internet.

Including, when the manifestation started and the news about what was going on in the country were sharing on the internet, the government took down the internet in the country.

Well, even with the Cuban State making difficult to people access to internet... The information decentralized and distributed is arriving there. They can not hide that people don't need to be a slavery in a system that they never agree to participate.

People will always find out some way to reach freedom.

Maybe, the Cuban Communist Party won't fall today. Maybe not tomorrow. But, one day they will fall. It is impossible, as any other dictatorship, to steal the individual freedom Ad infinitum.

Don't be surprise when all the socialist start to "cover-up" like they always did when we are talking about Cuban dictatorship and their creators. Although, like the facts always shown, any country who follows the idea of central planning, planned economy, that is, communist and socialist countries... Are destined to economic failure

They may even seem to be fine and with all in control... After all, this image need to be worked and kept at all cost... However, just as happened with Soviet Union, just appearance can not put food in the table.

Contrary to what some socialists in Brazil try to "paint" about Cuba not having a problem with medicine, doctors and things like that...

Well, I truly hope

Well, I truly hope that all it has a good end... with the end of the Cuban communist dictatorship that took the lives of so many people over the years.

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Written by: Lucas Garcia

Originally published:

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