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Productivity is Relative

In 2019, I downloaded TikTok... At that time, TikTok wasn't the world fever yet, but it was already criticized.

I remember when some people find out I was watching TikTok, they seemed to be surprised, make some fun of me and, said to me do "productive things".

Well, I never understand but... Every time someone else said to me do "productive things" I just laugh.

To be honest, it is common many people look at TikTok, video games, Netflix, Fiction books and things like that as a waste of time.

How many times someone else said, "you should stop watching Netflix and go to do something useful for your life"?

To be frank, the vast majority of us, use these things just as a way to get easy and fast pleasure... Many times, we dedicated our lives to live someone else's life or in other realities (games).

If we stop thinking, the person who's doing it, is loosing their life... After all, the person isn't living their on life... Even if, this affirmation is susceptible to criticism.

Every time someone else said to me do more "productivity things" than watch videos on TikTok, a smile opened on my face... This happened because, I already loose the count of how many times I had some new idea while I was scrolling in TikTok.

Including, there is a book/short story I'm creating that the idea came from 20 seconds TikTok...

I never treat TikTok as a way that I waste my time... Nor as a way to pass the time... But always as a way to see new possibilities, "know" new people, learn things, discover new music, book and many other things.

What I'm trying to say is even that TikTok is used for people to "waste time"... I, in other side, use as a tool to develop my creativity, finding out many new things and letting my mind wander.

And, That take me to the title of this article... Productivity is Relative.

Think with me... While for me watch TikTok is productive, maybe for you can be a big waste of time or worst...

At the same way, actually play some video games is a waste of time for me and mass out my entire day...

To be honest, every time I try to play, it's like I'm getting dumb and tired... Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking games are the things that make people dumb or anything like that... These looks like a condition that take many humans... haha

Letting jokes aside... While watch TikTok help my creativity, play game destroys.

Now, If we take the example of many people, we can observe that play games to them, can be something productive, can increase their creativity and, anything like that... Why? I have no idea... But, it happens. Maybe, you have an example like this... Just look deeply at your heart (joking).

Well, I believe that you've already taken my point.

So, as I said in my article "Music, Teacher's Biggest Villain? Or the Students' Best Friend?", each of us, is an individual who knows what is better for itself... In other words, while for me watch TikTok is something extremely productive and helps me to grow... For you, it can be a way to just procrastinate.

And, this take me to another point:

How to descover thing that works with you

One point that I emphasize at the beginning, was the people judgment when they find out I watch TikTok...

Don't face people judgment as something bad, or even as if this have any relevance in your life... The others' judgment about something you do, is not a problem unless it stops you to do what need to be done.

What I'm trying to say with it? I don't know any other efficient way to discover something that can improve your productivity unless to try new things and improve what already works.

In other words, at the same time is cool to watch videos and read texts, books... about how to improve the productivity... What truly will change the things is starting to put into practice. Beyond that, you need to try alternative things that usually are undisclosed... In short, maybe you have to find out by yourself these things...

At this point, you have to let the judgment aside and do what need to be done... Maybe this means watch TikTok, read fiction, talk, walk at mall, look at a wall in a rainy Thursday afternoon... Or whatever.

In the end, what does matter is the result this will create.

To finish, like I emphasize many times in my another article "Music, Teacher's Biggest Villain? Or the Students' Best Friend?"... Each human, who's living at this flying space earth ball, is a unique individual who works at a different way.

What works for others, can not work for you... The important is trying.

Will Sometimes get wrong? Sure...

But when get right... My friend... When get right, no one will be able to hold ya...

Well, what do you think about it?

If you liked, help-me sharing this article ^ç^.

Written by: Lucas Garcia

Follow me on Instagram: @jornadalucasgarcia

Follow me on Twitter: @jornadalucasgar


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