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My Books

The Life I Remember

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The path to the top of a mountain full of happiness, love and hope is paved with many rocks and obstacles that make it difficult to reach... But that's not all.

The ascent is slow and painful... But there is something worse. Something deeper. Something everyone forgets to mention can happen the moment you reach the top.

You can fall.

Falling into a precipice full of wars, hunger, misfortunes, sadness and pain.
It's amazing how quickly we can lose everything we love and value the most.

In the first book of the trilogy of "The Life I Remember", Gusttavo (Gus), a teenager full of emotions, doubts and fears; he tries to live his life in a chaotic world that is constantly seeking to steal his most important possessions... his freedom.

The Life I Remember

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The path to the top of a mountain full of happiness, love and hope is paved with many rocks and obstacles that make it difficult to reach... But that's not all.

The ascent is slow and painful... But there is something worse. Something deeper. Something everyone forgets to mention can happen the moment you reach the top.

You can fall.

Falling into a precipice full of wars, hunger, misfortunes, sadness and pain.
It's amazing how quickly we can lose everything we love and value the most.

In the first book of the trilogy of "The Life I Remember", Gusttavo (Gus), a teenager full of emotions, doubts and fears; he tries to live his life in a chaotic world that is constantly seeking to steal his most important possessions... his freedom.

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